Friday, April 6, 2012

Things to Think of When you Renovate Your Bathroom

So you’ve put up with that cranky old bathroom long enough. You’ve finally got around to deciding to renovate it, about time too. You’ve been living in Perth WA almost all your life and in this old house for the last twenty years. No wonder the bathroom needs some work; it was here when you arrived.

The first decision you have to make is probably straight forward enough. Can you do the job yourself? Do you have the time free to do so? Do you have the required qualifications? The answer in most cases is a resounding no to all three questions.

Bathroom renovations are expertly carried out by numerous companies in Perth WA, so there should be no trouble in finding someone to do the work. It would be a good idea if you had some way to vet possible renovators, they all look great in their adds, but then, they aren’t gonna tell you if they’re incompetent, lazy or always late.

It’ll be well worth your while to do a bit of online searching, review sites, blogs, whatever it takes to get a few honest comments on bathroom renovations businesses in Perth WA. Ring a few and get some quotes, if it were me I would certainly get a few and pick the one I favoured, best to take your time and be as sure as possible.

By the time you decide on just who’ll be doing your renovations you should have a good idea of just what you need doing. A complete makeover? Well, you need to make up your mind. The whole renovation will be done in several stages and to accomplish this, or even to quote successfully, a renovations contractor needs to know exactly what he will be going to do.

Items you need to think about are the actual items connected to the water such as the bath, shower, sink/s and of course the toilet if there is one in your bathroom. Carpentry work such as cupboards and benchtops are worth a thought too. Then there is the lighting, worth getting this right, for along with the paint, tiles and wallpaper, this will help to set the ambiance of your new bathroom. Have you adequate power supplies already or will you need these shifted or added to?

Your renovation expert will obviously be able to guide you pretty well so far as what you might need and what can be accomplished cheaply and efficiently. They should be able to provide you with a pretty accurate timeline, which will enable you to plan for the time the job will take. The time taken should be inside three weeks if the bathroom renovations company you hire has their act together.

It ought to take two days to strip the bathroom back and start the actual job. The plumbing will take a further two days and then a couple more for carpentry work. Tiling will be the slowest job, taking between three and four days and suddenly, hey presto, a new bathroom is waiting.
Hopefully you got it right when you selected the firm to do your bathroom renovations in Perth WA.

perth bathroom renovations